Drug Sales in Emerging Markets to Match U.S. by 2016

China, India, Brazil, Russia are among 16 emerging markets that will make up almost one-third of global drug spending within four years, as newly wealthy people and nations spend more on health care, a report shows.

Rising spending in emerging pharmaceutical markets will lead the industry’s global sales growth by 2016, according to a report released yesterday by the IMS Institute for

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Women’s Competitiveness Drops When Fertility Is Low

Women who use contraceptive pills are 50% less competitive during the 21 days of the month when they take the drug, which contains the sex hormone progesterone, according to Thomas Buser of the University of Amsterdam. Moreover, in an experiment involving compensation schemes for a problem-solving task, women were 10.5 percentage points less likely to opt for a competitive scheme if they were at the point in their monthly cycles when fertility was low because progesterone levels were high.

High Doses of Hormones Faulted in Fertility Care

Two days after Debra Demidon underwent in vitro fertilization, she gained more than 30 pounds in fluid and suddenly was struggling to breathe.
Doctors diagnosed severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a complication seen in some women who undergo fertility treatment. It landed Ms. Demidon in the hospital for five days; doctors ultimately drained 6.5 liters of fluid from her body. She missed three weeks of work, and by the time it was over, she and her husband had spent all of their savings.

Obesity, smoking and drinking have no effect on male sperm quality

As per a research published in the journal Human Reproduction, it has been revealed that obesity, smoking and drinking have no effect on male sperm quality. The research was taken out by a group of researchers from the University of Manchester in the UK.

The study researchers said that by saying that the above mentioned factors have no effect on sperm quality does not mean that they are good for health. It will be better that men refrain from such things.

Infertility upsurges at startling pace in India

Out of around 250 million individuals estimated to be attempting parenthood at any given time, 13 to 19 million couples are likely to be infertile.Although the national census does not head count infertile couples, this study, which takes into account the national census reports of the past three decades, viz, 2001, 1991 and 1981, showed that infertility has risen by 50 percent in the country.